Friday, December 19, 2014

Be Still.

Have you ever subconsciously known that you were at a crossroad in your life but you didn't realize it until later, after you chose a path?  The only way I can explain it is you're sitting in the quiet, maybe you are on the beach or in the woods or on a walk or simply sitting in a chair staring out a window, but you think to yourself "I am going to remember this moment with myself" and you have no idea why it's significant because you aren't even thinking anything particular?  You are usually on the eve of some kind of change when you feel this way and you don't realize it until later.

I remember pushing Logan and Lindsey in a stroller one sunny afternoon, there was a nice breeze and they had little floppy hats on.  I found a bench in the sun and I sat down and listened to these women talk and laugh.  I looked at my beautiful babies and just knew that it was a moment I was going to remember versus all of the moments in my life when I wouldn't.  I remember thinking "What do you want, Britt?"  The answer was "I don't know" but shortly after that, I made some huge decisions because I had simply taken a quiet moment to ask myself, and therefore I was open to change.

I think these moments are quiet epiphanies and nudges from God.  When you are quiet, you can listen to Him and figure out what is meant for you.

It's important to shut everything and everyone off sometimes and just be still.  I have to have these moments alone or I can't find my way because my thoughts are drowned out by the world.  I go to yoga, I sit and listen to music, I hit ignore on my phone, I close my door.  Then I go back into the chaos and it doesn't seem as loud.  I am filled with peace and no one can disrupt it, no matter how loud they are.

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