Tuesday, May 13, 2014

7 Deadly Signs She Doesn't Like You Like That

A guy I know asked me to write "How to know if a girl likes you" two weeks ago.  I texted him a few days later and I said "I can't write this.  I don't know the answer."  He asked me again to write it.  I told him yet again that I am the absolute worst person to write about that because I am outgoing and friendly and everyone thinks that I like them. I am considered either friendly or flirtatious....the answer will be different depending on how well you know me.  If you don't know me, you'll probably think I am a flirt.  If you know me, you'll tell someone who thinks I am flirting, "that's just Britt."


An outgoing girl will do one of two things....completely confuse you or be straight up.  Either they "flirt" with everything that moves, and in that situation you may have to redefine what a flirt is because she is just being herself, or they will straight up tell you they like you because they aren't afraid to be clear and communicate what their intentions are.

A shy girl will either show a huge contrast between how she treats you and someone else, or she will completely clam up and not know how to be around you and show you absolutely no sign of being interested even when she is. 

I can't write how to know if a girl likes you because that's not an easy answer because we are all different. However, I do know some things that a girl does when she doesn't like you like that though, and that's how I have decided to write this. 

  1. She calls you a friend.  Girls who are into you do not call you a friend. Unless you are having sex with her and there is some grey Friends with Benefits thing happening and she is keeping her feelings on lock-down, NO.  Girls don't say this. Ohhhh baby you got what I neeeeed, but you say he's just a friend.....sorry. I had to sing. 
  2. She takes her sweet ass time answering text messages or completely forgets to call you back. When you are into a guy, it is nearly impossible to hold off on that response text and not to answer when he calls because he is like crack.  As girls, we all tell each other to hold out and not immediately text and call.  We think it's better not to be so available, but we really don't listen.  If you feel out of breath from chasing her, she is probably not feeling it the same way you are. 
  3. She pulls away when you touch her or kiss her. A guy once said to me "Why do you keep pulling away when I try to kiss you". Funny.  I thought I was pretty clear about how I was feeling when I did this.  Apparently scientists are correct when they say that women are better at reading body language.
  4. She says "Awww, you're so sweet" when you compliment her. All girls do this.  They mean it.  You are sweet and she appreciates the compliment....from a friend. She probably even loves you as a friend, but she isn't dreaming of picking out her china pattern with you. The "awwww, thank you" text means "I don't know how he means this, this could be potentially awkward therefore I'd better handle this now."
  5. She talks about the guy she is hooked on. I'm sure this is not only annoying to a man, but it's also like sniffing a bunch of Anthrax while talking to the girl you like.  Now I am not saying this is the kiss of death necessarily forever, because some guys can swoop in there and be the shoulder she turns to when she has finally had enough....but for now, you are most definitely hard-core friend-zoned.
  6. She doesn't go out with you on what's presumably a date night. She is probably uncomfortable with doing things that may appear to be dates with you if she isn't into you.  She will be fine hanging out at weird times and doing non-romantic things because it's safer and nothing will be confused.
  7.  She doesn't give you the Doe Eyes.  Mine were first pointed out to me by a guy that I WAS definitely in love with, so I know this is true.  Doe Eyes are reserved.  Only that guy you like knows the difference and he knows when you aren't in love anymore because they're gone. I can feel mine on my face. They're big and in love and they only come out sometimes.  Note: Good eye contact doesn't count, Horny eyes aren't the same. 

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