Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Real Reason for Fitness

It’s no secret that a healthy lifestyle is what we should all go for, but there is still a disconnect even in 2015.  I have a couple of reasons for writing this today: First of all, to remind the seasoned gym-goers to be kind to the new people and secondly, to tell the newbies why they should really be working out.  In other words, you shouldn’t be working out because it’s January and you want to look good in a bathing suit.   Your reasons should go deeper than that, but if you want to roll your eyes, I understand, as long as you just keep reading….

Why seasoned gym-goers are really irritated with new people…..

I will be honest.  I have been irritated in years past by the swarm of people who decide on January 1st to work out.  The reason it irritated me is that I knew 95% of them wouldn’t be around in February and they were just congesting the gym and impacting my life.  Well, contrary to popular belief, we (human beings, myself included) are not allowed to be assholes and we need to remember to inspire people, not isolate and intimidate them just because they are annoying us.   People who are new to the gym are searching for what we have already found and what we already know about.  Let them.  Encourage them.  The other reason I used to get irritated is because I wanted people to understand what I do….taking care of your body and working out isn’t a fad, it isn’t about what you look like naked,  it isn’t something to forget about next week— it is a way of life.  Taking care of myself is a religion and when I do something bad to my body, trust me, I am repenting and quite literally paying for it.  I am no longer physically capable of eating crap or I get sick.  I am so in tune with my body that I can feel the slightest abuse. 

To everyone who acts like an ass to someone else in the gym, remember that the world would be a much better place if everyone were experiencing endorphins.  Welcome them.  The guy who just cuts you off on the road and gives you the finger maybe wouldn’t do it if he were 50 pounds lighter. 

To the newbies, put your weights back when you're finished with them, don’t socialize, don’t crowd people, and be mindful and learn gym etiquette.  If you need help, ask someone. Get a plan or a trainer if you don’t know what you are doing and most importantly, remember not to pay attention to the arrogant pricks snarling at you. You have a right to change your life. 

My philosophy, what I do:

When I say this, please take it the right way because as a girl, I don’t like to talk about my body in fears that someone will take what I say, no matter what I say, the wrong way.  Anyway, I have had two sets of twins and I get a lot of questions about how my body went back.  While I will admit that genetics do have somewhat to do with how you look, I also tell the truth:  I work hard in the gym, I don’t eat shit, and I don’t expect to get something for nothing.  I love my life, I love my energy, and I choose to live life with a fire under my ass, even when I am exhausted.  I believe that God wants me to take care of myself so I can do whatever it is he wants me to do.  Everyone is special, and everyone should take care of himself or herself so they will be here as long as they can.

I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions.  I do one thing, every day, all year round.  I try to stay balanced, which includes juggling about 50 things every day and it’s hard.  Finding balance is the key to life and it is the hardest thing that you will ever do because it is ongoing, but it is the most important.  My body, my mind, my spirit—they are all connected and the real reason I care about what I put in my body and work out is not so I will “look hot”, but because my soul and my body are connected and I want them to reflect each other. I am aware of everything going on in my soul based on how my body feels and I know what’s going on with my body because of the thoughts my mind is thinking and the emotions I am feeling.  I care about the kind of person I am, I care about what I do in my life, I care about the energy I put into the world and how can any of that be positive if I feel like garbage? 

I read “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed last week.  Basically, the book is about a woman grieving the loss of her mother and her identity.  She is extremely lost in her life and she hikes the Pacific Crest Trail in hopes of healing and gaining some clarity.  I was in a bar last week having one of my way-too-deep-for-a-bar-talks with a friend who also began reading the book.  I told him that something stood out to me while I was reading the book. I said that I find it interesting how the body can find emotional healing through physical trials. This is why I love yoga so much.  I have always been active and I was taught how to eat well, but not until the last 5 years did I really start to understand how our bodies, minds, and souls are all tied together and that everything we eat, everything we do, everything we think and say, is all tied together.  We are all tied to each other, God, and the earth.  The reason I am so into yoga isn’t just to stretch, but it is because something happens to me.  I feel aligned mentally, spiritually and physically.  I know when something is off and I can pinpoint what it is that is bothering me.  When I push myself in a workout to the point of nausea, I know I have released frustrations and tension and toxins.  When I put good foods into my body, I am able to do more physically in the gym and therefore, my thoughts and mood and energy is all better.  We are so connected, everything we do has a domino effect and it is up to us whether the continuous downfall is good or bad. 

My Food Rules:

Michael Pollan wrote the book “Food Rules”.  If you can get your hands on it, read it.  He says something so simple and true and it’s what I live by.  FOOD IS SUPPOSED TO ROT. I don’t eat well because I am “supposed to”, I eat well because I want to, because I love my body.  I eat well because food serves only one purpose……it is fuel, period.  95% of the food I eat will rot if I don’t eat it.  The other 5% is protein powder or bars (which I limit), and the treats that I eat occasionally.  I do not diet.  I do not deprive myself.  If I want a brownie, I eat one.  I eat so well though, I will notice ridiculous amounts of salt for days and I will get stomachaches from nasty foods and that is what inevitably happens to you if this is your way of life.  This is actually good, by the way.  God put everything we need for our bodies on the earth.  I don’t eat anything that I have to peel out of a package or that comes in a box and the fewer ingredients, the better. Don’t eat things with words you can’t pronounce.  That pretty much takes care of your diet if you live by that.  The food industry sucks ass.  I call them “white collar mafia” and you should take their power away by eating food.  FOOD.  Not crap. 

Go hard and always challenge yourself. 

If you want to see a difference in your body, you have to sweat.  If you aren’t in shape, get a trainer or start out slow.  I am not a fitness instructor, so I refrain from giving advice, but I know that you have to sweat and push yourself or you are wasting your time.  Yes, it will be hard at first, but then you feel like you are meditating when you are used to it and you won’t be able to live without it.  Then the more in shape you become, you fine-tune your goals.  For example, I am about to train my hamstrings so I don’t overuse my quads, which are most definitely dominant.  I may have just said “today is leg day” five years ago. 

Personally, I don’t like machines.  I also do what I want, but I move pretty much every day.  I go to yoga, I climb mountains, I go to TRX, I have learned to love the nauseating and evil thing called Tabata, I dance, I go rock climbing, I lift weights and I never force myself to do anything I hate, like for instance, running.  I never go easy unless I am sick or injured.  Whatever I do should hurt.  I challenge myself, I am never “there”, and I listen to my body.   And when you feel like you are bored, burning out, or not seeing a change anymore, change what you are doing, again and again.  Pick specific goals and refine them over time.

My main goal is to tell everyone this: YOU WILL FEEL BETTER if you adopt a healthy lifestyle for the right reasons, I promise.  I will message anyone who messages me and be encouraging to anyone who needs it. I will also point you in the right direction if you are looking for info that I am not qualified to help with.  My trainer is A-MAZ-ING, if you are looking.  I can do pull-ups and LORD I don’t even know how many push-ups now, thanks to MEGAN PETERSON!!  I love you, Megan!!  And seriously, my bra size went up and my arms are completely different in the last 9 months….how is that for motivation?  


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