Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Blind Trust

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to no one-William Shakespeare

Recently, a boyfriend of someone I know went through her phone.  I don’t want to give any more details than that.  My first response was this…. I ignored everything she said and replied, “Why was he digging through your phone?”  She seemed a little surprised that this was my only reaction.   Am I the only person who thinks that it is odd to believe you can go digging in someone’s phone and check up on an adult as if he or she is a sneaky teenager or an inmate at a jail?  People say “Well, but if you suspect something,” ok, but so what; that gives you free reign to go digging?  Then you have different issues to be facing.  Face those rather than tainting your possibly innocent relationship.  What if you are wrong and the person is innocent?  You have then tainted the relationship.  If I found myself doing this, I would break my own heart before finding a betrayal because I would realize I didn’t have trust for the person, and at that point, there really isn’t a relationship and I may as well end it regardless of whether the person was cheating or lying or not. 

Cheaters and liars get caught and you have to decide to either leave them and move on or forgive them and move on, but assuming everyone cheats and lies is ridiculous because there are honest people out there.  I also believe that everyone deserves privacy and that you have a right to your own space.  Just because you are in a relationship doesn’t mean you should turn into the NSA and if you have never proven to be dishonest, you shouldn’t put up with the NSA either.

I will admit that I am a dreamer and an idealist and I realize that the world doesn’t work the way I see fit most of the time, but that doesn’t change the fact that I believe what I believe and that I am pretty incapable of changing, no matter how many times I have been hurt.  I hesitated writing this because I thought it was probably a stupid idea, like I would become a target or get taken advantage of, but there have to be other people who think the way that I do and so I continued to write.  If someone lies to me because they know they can, well then, I guess it is what it is.  It won’t be the first time.  But I do wonder how someone can look into a pair of innocent eyes dead on and lie, knowing the set of eyes is looking at that person without hesitation.  A person who will be honest and love you and believe you is sacred in this world and this brings me to my point….I would rather be alone than to be in a relationship that doesn’t have this kind of trust in it and I will continue to be me, even if it means I am alone. 

Corinthians says that love trusts and protects; it rejoices in the truth.  How do you have a relationship without trust?  What is a relationship without trust?  You don’t have to ask someone twice when you trust the person.  You just know and accept it the first time.  THAT is trust.  I always think it’s kind of funny when people think you’re stupid for trusting, as if you’re not supposed to “trust” people “blindly” or as if trust exists without being blind—it doesn’t. Trust IS blind.  The definition of trust is “a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.”  When you believe in something, you don’t go digging around for inconsistencies because you don’t believe that inconsistencies exist.  If you do go digging around, you don’t trust blindly.  You don’t trust at all.  Your relationship should be much like a treaty instead of The Patriot Act.  The Patriot Act protects us from harm; it gives us immediate relief that maybe nothing bad is going to happen, but then it also gives power to support whatever claims it wants.  Well, what happens when that is power abused and the person is innocent?    And why is it that a non-trusting person always seems to find something to support his or her claim, regardless of whether or not they did?  Pandora’s box. That’s why.  A person who has trust issues and believes that someone will always lie to them will always find something to support that.

Trust is precious and when it is broken, it takes a lot to fix it; I am not sure it can be fully restored.  Hopefully I am wrong, but this is why you don’t lie and accuse, even about the little things.  

Personally, I will take a punishment if I deserve it, but if I tell you the truth and I am innocent, if you ask me twice, I become very angry.  I have been single for a while and I may stay single thinking the way I think—I don’t care.  I will always be honest in whatever relationship I wind up in, even if the truth sucks.  I will always answer a question honestly….ONCE.  If I am asked twice, I will walk away without hesitation.  I can’t trust someone who can’t trust me. 

Do I sound stupid and naïve?  Probably.  But at least I am honest and won’t go through your phone…

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