Thursday, September 10, 2015

Chill, Don't Chase

Don't be this girl

I have been advising one of my friends lately about a guy she likes and it’s sparked me to write this because I think a lot of women could benefit from this advice, even though they have heard about it over and over.  (Myself included.)  “He’s just not that into you” is not a groundbreaking concept and yet we sometimes refuse to accept how simple it is.  We want to give men the benefit of the doubt when we start talking to them but it’s really such a stupid thing to do.  You can avoid a lot of problems and save a lot of time by avoiding men that aren’t interested from the get-go, but you have to do it early before you’re hooked, in the palm of their hands, and wind up with a broken heart.

This is a simple rule:

Don’t chase men, plain and simple. 

Men are easy to figure out for the most part.  If they aren’t texting you, move on because there is a reason they aren’t texting you.  It doesn’t matter what the reason is because it doesn’t concern you.  If they aren’t trying to see you, move on.  It doesn’t matter why they aren’t trying because it’s none of your business and it doesn’t measure your worth.  If they want to see you but only if you come to them, move on.  Screw that.  I mean, really???  You are expected to use YOUR gas money, rearrange YOUR schedule, go out of YOUR way…for what, a lazy little boy who can’t even commit to dinner???  No.  If they aren’t taking you out or calling you, move on.  Their actions are telling you what the end result will be and it will not end in your favor.  The guy could have 100 real reasons for stringing you along, but why do any of them matter to you?  Do the “reasons” change anything?  No.  And because there are so many girls doing the chasing nowadays, if they are lazy and spoiled, they have options that make it easy for them to never have to hunt or do anything and you are simply too difficult.  I don’t know about you, but I am not a slab of meat plopped in front of a zoo lion.  I am a lion running in the wild and I would rather be difficult than plop in front of someone.  Too much work?  Sorry about your luck.  And regarding the ones who are willing to hunt you, well, congratulations.  You found a man and in one swift move, you managed to separate him from the boys. 

Ask any man and he will tell you the following:

If a guy wants to see you, he will find a way.  Even men who know they don’t have a SHOT IN HELL will usually try.  Remember, this is the same gender that shouts at you from their cars in traffic and from gas stations and construction sites so why are we so willing to give them excuses when it favors what we want to believe?  If a guy is thinking about you, he’s texting and calling you.  If a guy wants to commit, he is going to commit.  If he is interested, he will show you.  If he doesn’t want someone else to have you, he won’t leave you alone and available.  There is no other explanation.  And if you are seeing him but you have to do all of the work, reevaluate that situation. You are a perfectly convenient situation for the present time.  It doesn't mean you will change him. 

Men also prefer a challenge, unless they're losers or lazy pieces of crap.  They are hunters and they don’t want something that falls into their lap.  (Neither do I, actually, so I understand the feeling.)  If we could all behave the same way with the guys we like as the ones we don’t, we would be a lot better off.  Remember this before you send that text because he ignored your last one! Ask yourself "Would I be inclined to do this with (insert the guy you don’t like)?"

I have been in one situation where I had to do everything and it did not end well, nor was it like me at all to alter myself to that degree, nor was it a good reflection of me, and I can guarantee that it will never happen again.  I stick to this philosophy and if you are vigilant and love yourself and value your time and your heart and your efforts, I promise that it will help to keep the lazy, confused, wishy-washy assholes out of your life…also, it's exhausting chasing little boys, isn't it?  Pointless and exhausting!

Here are the rules:
  • Chill, don't chase.  Just calm down and let him come to you. If he doesn't, you got your answer. 
  • Do not text or call him when he is random, spacey, disappears, and then comes back around when he feel like it.  
  • Set your own terms.  
  • Do not rearrange your schedule at the drop of a hat when he does nothing to plan ahead. 
  • Don't ask him out and constantly run around like a crazy person trying to see him.   
  • Don't put in the effort when he is not. 
  • Put it out there and see what he does...and listen to what he says. 

A guy once said to me “I don’t chase, you'll have to chase me.” 

My answer was “Then I guess we won’t be seeing much of each other.”

It’s legit.  Try it.

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