Tuesday, March 4, 2014

If I Were a Flower

If I ever got a tattoo, which I have said over and over that I will never do (and listed the reasons why I will not), I would get a Lotus Flower-as unoriginal as that is, because I think if I were a flower, that’s what I would be.  To those of you who aren't into yoga, it's an important symbol in the practice, which is why I said it would be unoriginal.  OHHHH a girl who likes yoga is getting a Lotus Flower!  So what.  It's beautiful and I love the meaning.
The Lotus Flower grows in murky water, thriving and blooming despite its environment.  To achieve enlightenment, as a human being, you must grow as the Lotus Flower grows....rise above the murk and flourish in terrible circumstances.  When you can do this, you blossom.  You are beautiful and floating above the muddy water, animals, and insects and unlike what lies beneath you, you are high enough to feel the sunshine.

It sucks to be hurt and sad and go through hard times, but really think about this for a moment....when have you learned and grown the MOST ever in your life?  Hasn't it been from the painful and difficult circumstances that were thrust upon you?  I say thrust because there is NO WAY I would have ever walked voluntarily into the lessons I have learned in my past.  They were thrust upon me and I reacted.  Sure, sometimes I knew lessons were probably coming, but I will resist the scariness of growth as much as the next person if I can.  Things happen to you, and it's up to you to decide how you react.  Are you going to learn from it and carry on?  Or are you going to wallow and resist the lesson? 

So there are two types of people in the world and I had the privilege of knowing both.....
The Whiners and The Champions

A good friend told me last week that in her family, they say "Champions Adjust" and that's so true.  Champions adjust, whiners never do. They get stuck on what sucks and never move on.   Now I think it's alright and perfectly acceptable to whine for a second.  I do.  But I know when I do it and everyone else knows when I do it that I am venting momentarily and I am going to get back up and ride out. It isn't who I am to stay down because I have known people who have whined their whole lives and nothing ever gets better for them.  They don't rise above the muddy water, but instead, they sink in it.  They drown in filth wonder why their lives suck ass.  

Your circumstances aren't supposed to be perfect and you are supposed to be learning from them.  There will always be things you can't control, but there will always be things that you can control.....one of the things you can control is your attitude.  Are you going to grow into a beautiful flower, or are you going to be eaten by the fishes and rot in the mud?

I for one would like to be a beautiful pink flower feeling the sun on my petals.....


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