Saturday, April 9, 2011


Yesterday was an easier day than the one before because when I got overwhelmed I threw the kids in the car and ran by the bank and Wendy’s.  For the first time EVER, I gave the boys chocolate milk with their kid’s meal—they did not like it at all.  Can you believe that?  They took a sip, then another sip, gave their sippy cups an odd look, and threw them.  They asked for regular milk.  I thought it was pretty funny!  When Peyton was their age he LOVED chocolate milk, I’ve been told.  He called it “Choc moke” or something adorable like that. 
We had a pretty good day and I found it easier to kill time.  We went on a walk, watched movies, and read books…..same old thing.  I was able to get a little laundry done and get this—I loaded the dishwasher and ran it!  I know that it sounds ridiculous to say “Yay!  I loaded the dishwasher!” But that gives you an idea of how hard it is keeping Carson off of his leg and how impossible it is to get the simplest of tasks accomplished.  The carpet cleaners are coming on Monday morning, so I really don’t have a choice but to get the house back into shape.   I guess I’ll be bustin’ it this weekend.  Don’s here, so I should be able to.  My life is probably going to be pretty boring for the next couple of weeks, therefore if no one is reading, I certainly understand!  Check back in a couple of weeks, but I’ll still be writing daily! 
By the way, Logan has been staying at his Grammy and Granddaddy’s house since Monday night!  And then last night when I thought he’d come home he decided to stay with Uncle Bill.  He’s a smart kid.  He knows if he comes home he’ll be doing nothing but helping me!  It is very quiet and I miss him a lot. However, I think that if he was here, the second that the inevitable fighting between him and his twin sister began—I’d be thrown into a rage and it would without a doubt be TOO much to deal with right now.   They can’t share the same oxygen without fighting, so yea……Logan’s a smart kid for taking a vacation.
The Word of the Day today definitely describes the way I feel right now.   I can't shake this uneasy feeling.  I can't stand messes, I can't stand being unorganized, and I can't stand knowing that everything is snowballing on me.  I am happy that Carson is dealing with this situation well and he really is my main concern, but it's still hard just "being cool" with a messy house.  I hate it!!!

tenterhooks \TEN-ter-hooks\, noun:
1. On tenterhooks, in a state of uneasy suspense or painful anxiety.
2. One of the hooks or bent nails that hold cloth stretched on a tenter.

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