Friday, April 8, 2011

Futz'n Around

Yesterday was a hard day, the kind of day that made me count the second hand on the clock.  I kept thinking “Bed time.  Bed time.  Just make it to bed time.”    Carson must be in less pain because he wanted to get up and move around a lot yesterday.  I am happy that he’s feeling less pain of course, but it’s hard to keep a two-year-old happy and occupied on a bed all day.  My plan was to take him for a walk in the jogging stroller during the time that I knew he’d be awake, but it backfired on me.  He fell asleep on the way to the library, which I’m guessing is around 3 miles away.  Lindsey and I picked out 25 books while the babies snoozed away in their comfy jogging stroller.  My jogging stroller was SO heavy on the way home!  Of course, they woke up once we were home and I was challenged for the rest of the day. We read books, watched movies, put puzzles together—everything I could think of that would keep him still.  When it was time for me to cook dinner, Lindsey played with Dylan while I carried Carson in the INFANT Baby Bjorn, you know, the kangaroo-pack type thing.  Thankfully he only weighs like 22 pounds!  Can you believe that my two-year-old fits in an infant carrier?  Little monkey.

Right now he’s sitting on the floor watching Lindsey play a video game, but he’s starting to squirm, so I am going to have to go. 

And by the way, I never want to watch American Idol again knowing that the voters are retarded.  Their mental handicap is probably due to the fact that they are 15 and they allow coolness to be their guide rather than who has the most talent.  I can’t believe that Pia went home.  It’s so ridiculous. 

Here’s your Word of the Day, perfect for my daily activities lately:

futz \FUHTS\, verb:
1. To pass time in idleness (usually followed by around).

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