I have one horrible thing to say this morning. Has anyone noticed that every single time you purchase something nowadays they ask if you want to donate to the charity of their choice? You can feel the people in line behind you. Their eyes are burning the back of your skull and their ears are perking up—they’re waiting to see what you’ll say. I don’t care if I say yes and people hear me because I don’t give to impress other people, but when I decline I feel like the ONE selfish bastard in line that can’t spare a dollar for a sick child! And I just know that everyone is thinking the same thing that I am feeling. “It’s only a dollar, butthead. Can’t you spare a dollar? What a great citizen you are, selfish a-hole! What are you going to spend it on instead, a pack of gum?” First of all, I think that it’s a great way to raise money, I really do. But when you get asked every single time, well, you just can't say yes every single time. It all adds up just like Starbucks does, and I only go to Starbucks for a special treat now. I guess maybe my conscience feels guilty when I say no and I don’t like that. Plus, I am not a butthead. Sometimes I say yes, but the people in line still think of me as a selfish a-hole that can’t give back to the community! I heard someone say no after I was walking out the door, I did not think that of him……maybe I’m being silly.
Here’s the Word of the Day:
akimbo \uh-KIM-boh\, adjective:
With hand on hip and elbow bent outward.
Glad I'm not the only one that this bugs. The other day I found myself saying "I already gave" which was a lie as far as that particular organization and then I felt even guiltier for lying. I just want them to quit asking me or start asking for donations for me and my causes!