Friday, December 21, 2012

Flashback Friday-I Ate a Lightbulb

Since everyone is saying this is the last day we'll be here, I figured I would tell a story that only a few people on the planet know. If we are all still here tomorrow, well then I guess you all get to laugh at me.

I had to sit through a five hour class  yesterday and I noticed that for maybe 20 seconds, I sat still.  I feel like I am crawling out of my skin trying to sit still sometimes. I can't get comfortable, I wiggle, I rub my face, roll my ankles, dig through my purse......I just move. I feel creepy crawly feelings on the inside of my skin.  This is something that I guess I neglect to notice about myself most of the time, but I realize that fidgeting has been a constant problem, pretty much for forever. If there is paper in front of me, I play with it. A pen gets clicked. Whatever is in front of me will be annihilated.  Of course, I didn't notice it myself. Someone has always pointed it out. I know it's annoying to watch TV with me because I constantly move.

So flashback to when I was nine years old. My grandma had a large dining room table that was covered with crap. By crap I mean pretty much everything she owned. Need some scissors?  Look on Grandma Waggoner's table. Christmas lights for the tree? Grandma Waggoner's table. So I remember sitting alone at this table. I don't think I was in time-out, but then again, I can't tell you why I was sitting at a table, alone. Maybe there was no reason. I know I was bored. So I picked up a lightbulb.  I was tapping the glass on my teeth, making beats. What happens, genius, when you tap glass on a hard surface, like teeth? It your mouth.  The entire thing shattered IN my mouth. Well of course, I thought "Oh my gosh! There is glass in my mouth! This is so not right!" But I stayed calm.

I quietly got up, careful not to move my lips or tongue or anything, and I walked to the sink.  I carefully pulled all of the little pieces of glass out of my mouth, threw them away, and never told a living soul.  I knew it was stupid and I didn't have a good reason for being so dumb.  Luckily, I didn't hurt myself.  I'm pretty sure the doctor would've told my parents that I needed to ride the short bus and to keep sharp objects away from me in case I'd feel the need to eat them.

Yep.  I know.


  1. I'd forgotten about that crazy "you can put anything here and it will still be there 5 years later" table. And all I'm saying about the lightbulb incident is.....I drank turpentine one time (well it entered my mouth and was then expelled, much like your light bulb). Like mother, like daughter. But ya gotta love us. We light up the room on most days. LOL!

  2. It's all your fault!!!!! And at least you didn't know you were drinking turpentine. You thought it was coke. I promise I knew it was a lightbulb. Haha
