Monday, August 6, 2012

Allure Beauty Edition

My friends surprised me Saturday night for my birthday; it was so sweet!  I thought that I was going to eat with Jenny and Kerri and when we got to the restaurant, there everyone else was, waiting for me.  I was really confused at first and I am sure my face showed it.  It was a fun night and thank you to everyone for making me feel so loved!  I got a little tipsy and sick, so I am not going to talk anymore about all of that.

I just turned 32, which was surprisingly painless when compared to 29 and 30.  I had a really hard time being 29, the entire year, because I felt like it was a fake age.  I saw it as a countdown to 30 and like it shouldn't exist. I felt like "Yeah, I am in my twenties, but I am almost not, so I am lying and I am a poser still trying to be in my twenties."  UGH, I hated it.  30 was bad the first day and then I started realizing that I actually liked it.  I think that people are better in their thirties and it would be a perfect age if we didn't have to worry about looking older.  

I got this special issue of Allure in the mail the other day.  I was intrigued at first because I was learning all of these great tips for my skin, hair, makeup and nails.  I am pretty girly, so I was excited when I started reading it.  Then I started to think about how much time you would have to spend on yourself in order to do these things.  I don't know if I would ever leave the house if I manicured myself to this extent and if that's the case, if no one is going to see you and you are just going to be at home filing your nails and putting tea bags on your eyes all day, doesn't it defeat the purpose?  I guess you pick and choose what you care about or need to do to yourself, but I swear, when you read it your head sort of spins and you feel uglier and uglier because you realize the things you are doing to neglect yourself. 

They had some great tips on how to avoid crow's feet, picking the right concealers, and how to wear red lipstick.....all great.  Then there were tips that were sort of hilarious.  For example, they talked about bikini waxing and a way to do it so you won't look fat or like you have big hips and thighs.  I laughed out loud because it sounds ridiculous.  Men, these are the things that we have to worry about. You don't like when we pick at our bodies and call ourselves fat or when we always ask you if we look fat.....keep in mind that we have had to read crap like this since we were 12 years old.  Men have it so easy.  No one tells guys how to dress thinner, to drink ice water because it will shock your system and make you burn more fat, to try not to make any facial movements at all, ever, because it will result in wrinkles.  You wonder why we freak out when we age and why we always ask if we look fat?

I have a question.  How are men ever late?  You get out of the shower and use a towel to dry off your head and you're done.  How are you ever late, seriously?  It's like one of the mysteries of the Universe.

I am not really complaining, by the way.  I love being a girl.  It's fun, even though it is more time consuming.  I would be bored as a guy.  

By the way, they said to store your perfume in the refrigerator because it will last longer.  The worst place in the world for it is your bathroom.  Ok, well, I have like 35 bottles of perfume in my bathroom.  Guess I am not storing it in the fridge.  They said that the bedroom is better than the bathroom, if you can't store it in the fridge.  

Have a great day!  

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