Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Note from my Pregnant Friend

I told my friend that I was posting this, anonomously.  She gave me permission, and I am ecstatic, because it was hilarious.  She emailed me the following:

"Okay, so totally random and morbid, but I was randomly thinking about how bad my face looks right now (pregnant, bloated and fat) and that if I were to die in the near future I would not want an open casket at my funeral because I would have such an awful double chin.  I would not want anyone to remember me that way!  So I am putting you in charge of this, because my husband would not listen.  He would tell me I am crazy....which I already know, and then he would stop listening.  So, if for some random chance fate decides it's my time-make sure everyone doesn't see me looking like crap!"

Anonomous friend, if you are reading, you know I've got your back. 

Have a great Saturday, everyone!

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